Archive for December 18th, 2010

Another Edition of Favorite Blog Friday (via Marina Sleeps’s Blog)

Whenever someone comments on my blog, I am always doing a secret happy dance on this end of the computer. When someone subscribes to my blog, I perform a Rockette-worthy kick line in the privacy of my own apartment. But, when someone mentions me in a blog of their own…well, then I start doing the Charlie Brown, the Macarena, the Cha Cha Slide, and the Mashed Potato all at once (some would call this NOT a pretty sight, but then again, “some” have not yet witnessed true art taking place…).

One of my recent blogging friends, Marina Sleeps, was kind enough to reblog a post of mine from Monday entitled “And There’s That Line,” a post in which I ruminated about the challenges of keeping a blog private. She posts a weekly segment on her own site called “Favorite Blog Friday,” where she becomes personal cheerleader for the blog of her choice…and wouldn’t you know it, she chose me! Commence the break dancing!

Below, you can take a peek at her blog and all of the extremely kind words she said about mine. This is a perfect example of how reciprocal blogging is. There’s a wonderful sense of loyalty and friendship in the Blog-O-Sphere, and I’m very glad to have “met” Marina.

Have a festive weekend, all! Stay tuned for later in the day, as I expound on the challenges of having grandparents who swear, their defective hearing aids, and how one goes about “making Christmas” all over again. Merry Blogging!

Another Edition of Favorite Blog Friday This blog has been getting lots of attention. This blogger has a knack for art and a way with words. I am hoping NBC will kick Jay Leno out and her give The Tonight Show. That’s only my opinion. In this blog she sends out a great message in a funny way. So without further ado, I give you Aunt Bethany from Miracle On 32nd Street. And There’s that Line In the world of blogging, there is always a tricky line which we bloggers must choose a side on…. … Read More

via Marina Sleeps’s Blog